Pharmaceutical Time Release Technology ... BUT in Hair

Pharmaceutical technology and hair care seem like an unlikely pairing but here we are. With medication there is time release technology so that the medicine is absorbed in the right location for maximum efficiency. Your hair follicle has layers to it and needs different things. What if those layers could receive exactly what they needed ?


That’s what R+Co Bleu has done. They have created “Bleu Technology” which essentially applies time release technology to hair care. Previously hair products existed at more or less the same size molecule which would easily land on the cuticle (outside layer) of the hair but less would get to the cortex (middle) and even less to the medulla (center). With the new technology there are molecules of various sizes to reach all the levels and release what is needed in the right proportions at that level once they reach it. Each level gets exactly what it needs!

Why does this matter? It allows each level of your hair to be as nourished as possible and when each component is properly nourished the whole hair is healthy. Not only will be be less damaged but it will have more natural shine, soft feeling and shine.

Invest in your hair because it’s the crown you never take off. You can shop the entire R + Co Bleu line HERE.